is really a different way of viewing assets. While you might not make a lot of from , you could drive your for less than owning a
Useful if you live in the United States, not enough resources for outside of US.
Tons of value not only in training, but in the buyers guides and case studies as well.
Members area is a bit confusing and not pretty, but functional.
With the Facebook group and Pejman’s constant posts, support is excellent.
When I first heard about Exotic Car Hacks, it was way back in 2016 when I first started online marketing. I came across Pejman Ghadimi’s Youtube channel and was intrigued by his videos.
He is very charismatic and a little rough around the edges, which is what I found appealing. In the one particular video, I watched as he talked about negotiating with a dealer to get the best price.
I came across the video because I was looking to buy or lease a new car. He was talking about buying a Lamborghini…
I clicked on his website, and went onto the landing page – but didn’t pull the trigger because the course was $97 at the time, and everything looked too good to be true, so I wrote it off as just a scam.
(He also seemed to get a little unhinged with the trolls at the beginning of the video, lol)
So I didn’t buy the course and went ahead a bought a used Civic that was already in an accident and had some minor body damage. I bought the vehicle because I thought I got a good price and really wanted to get rid of my older car while it was still worth something.
Almost 5 years later, I still own the same car, except now it’s worth much, much less than what I originally paid for it because of depreciation. Looking back after going through Exotic Car Hacks (ECH), I realize that I could have potentially owned something MUCH nicer and not have lost as much money at the dealership.
So in this Exotic Car Hacks review, I will be going over exactly what you can expect to get with ECH and who it is for and who it isn’t for.
Exotic Car Hacks is a course by Pejman Ghadimi designed to help you get educated on buying an exotic car at the best price possible and then resell it a year or two later for a similar price.
Going through some of the marketing material and Youtube videos, I see that it sometimes seems like Exotic Car Hacks is a way to make money off of any Exotic car or luxury car.
However, after going through the course, it is apparent that it is not realistic to really make much money off Exotic Car Hacking. It is also not as easy to buy a sports car from a delivership and flip it for a profit. This might be a bit disappointing if that is what you are expecting to learn.
But it really shouldn’t be.
The course‘s whole point is not about making money buying and driving exotic cars, but it’s about owning an exotic car for a short amount of time without losing money on it.
Instead of thinking of a car as a money pit, you learn that owning an exotic car is more like having a bank account.
This is a huge mind shift for most people, and I found it valuable insight.
Pejman Ghadimi is the person behind Exotic Car Hacks. If you are like me, you probably know him for the ECH Youtube channel.
He is also an author of The Third Circle Theory, a popular book on entrepreneurship that has sold over 300,000 copies since 2013! I used to publish on Kindle, and that is a huge accomplishment for someone who is self-published author and keeps most of the profits.
Pejman also runs several successful businesses such as VIP Motoring, Secret Entourage, and Watch Trading Academy.
Now I know, if you look at Pejman Ghadini and you have been in the online marketing space for a minute – he screams SCAM! The Donald Trump colors, the exotic cars in the background raise a lot of red flags.
Yes, I know successful people wear nice suits and drive nice cars, but in the online world, many scammers dress like successful people to appear to be something that they are not.
One thing I look for before I buy a new course is to see if the course creator is legit or not. One of the ways I do that is, of course, going through their Youtube videos and seeing if any other Youtuber has called them out as being a scam.
All of my checks of him passed, but I wanted to get to know him a little better, so I listened to a bunch of interviews with him to see if he was full of shit or not.
From all the interviews I listened to, particularly the one with Mike Dillard where he really went into explaining Exotic Car Hacking, I came away with the impression the Pejman definitely knew what he was talking about and was not talking out of his ass.
Ok, so Pejman Ghadini passed the sniff test, but some guys can come across as legit but then sell you a bunch of....nothing!
So is Exotic Car Hacks a scam? Well, the reason why I initially even looked at the course again was that it was recommended to me by my friend Greg Jeffries.
After going through Pejman’s Youtube channel and listening to his Podcasts, I decided to join his Webinar, take the plunge, and purchase and take the course.
I went through all of the videos in less than a day, and after watching everything, going through the different buyers’ guides, and checking out the Facebook ground, I can say that Exotic Car Hacks is NOT a scam however it not as easy to car hack as it seems.
Exotic Car Hacks has a few different components inside the members’ area, which I will be going over more in-depth.
I was not very impressed with the overall layout of the member’s area. I was expecting it to be a bit more polished, given that this is a course about luxury items. But you can still figure your way around.
The first part of the member section is the Exotic Car Hacks training area, the main component.
The entire training course took only about 4-5 hours to get through from start to finish. I was initially disappointed with this section because I was expecting more in-depth videos at first, but then I realized that there were more training areas to go through.
Although not technically a part of the member’s area, you need a membership to get accepted to the ECH Facebook group.
In it, you will immediately see that it is a very active group filled with questions and its surprising the amount of convenient answers there are along with success stories.
I personally quite enjoy the Facebook group as it gives you a real idea of what is possible in this game and what isn’t.
This is the area where Pejman recommends different products, car dealerships, insurance companies, transportation companies, and finance companies he has dealt with in the past and has had a positive experience with.
He also has a blacklist of different dealers who are dishonest or untrustworthy.
Being in Canada, I wished was that there were more resources for students outside of the US.
Pejman has a whole ton of buyer guides available for most exotic cars on the market. These guides are a great resource as they tell you what cars are good for car hacking, what years to look out for, and what specifications they should have.
Simply put, you might think that getting a base model version of a luxury car might be the way to go, but it can actually hurt you later on because there is not enough demand out there.
The case studies in Exotic Car Hacks are an interesting section. Pejman details the different car hacks he has personally done and gets into the nitty-gritty details to understand his mindset.
Pejman has done over 100 vehicle hacks, and he puts out case studies every 2-3 months – but you have access to all of his previous case studies, so there are lots of articles to browse through.
Pejman has case studies for everything from Ferraris, Benz, NSX, to Aston Martin v8 Vantage (which is a fav).
From these blog type case studies, Pejman goes through exactly how much he paid for cars at the dealership and how much he sold them for.
The truth of car hacking is that not everybody will be able to do it. To help you figure out if this course is for you, I will list out who could actually use this course vs. who this course is not meant for.
If you want to get the most of the course, make sure you understand what is realistic and realistic. If you want to buy a luxury car, you will need to have the income to support the monthly payments and be willing to not drive it every day into work.
Exotic Car Hacking is about buying the right car at the very best price and then holding onto it for 6 months to 1 year and not losing much money in depreciation.
Also if you are in Canada, forget about this course. There is no real way you can deal with car dealerships in the same way as they recommend in this course.
Overall I think Exotic Car Hacks is an interesting course for those that want to preserve their wealth through vehicles.
What would you rather do, have $100,000 sitting in a bank collecting .5% a year or putting $10,000 in a $100,000 exotic car and paying $1000 a month and getting that $100,000 back?
After going through the course, I know that those types of deals are possible with a lot of work, but they require patience and some guidance.
ECH doesn’t feel like a complete course, and is more of a paid advertisement to get you into a larger funnel where they guide you from point A to point B to buy an exotic car.
Also if you only have one car, ECH is probably not a good choice. When doing this type of hack, you are going to need one commuter car that you can rack up miles on.
ECB is strictly meant for cars that you only drive a few thousand miles per year.
So if you have the budget, and you live in the US – this is good course. Just know that you probably won’t be able to do it all yourself.
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