Are you interested in Wealthy Affiliate, but don’t know if it is for you?
Have you checked out a bunch of reviews, and think it might a scam?
The internet is full of sharks. There are unscrupulous people and companies who will take you for everything you got.
But we live in an amazing time. The internet offers so many opportunities for people to start their own businesses and become their own bosses. There has truly never been a better time to be alive.
One of the truly great things about the internet is that anyone can start a business and make it big.
Is it a guarantee? No.
Can it happen to you? Perhaps.
You see, success comes to those that get sh*t done. It comes to those wild and wacky people who have a dream and then work their butts off until they get what they want.
Is it easy? Absolutely not.
The truth is there is no blueprint for success. Every person will have their own way to becoming successful. They just need a ‘push’ in the right direction.
And that is what Wealthy Affiliate is.
It is not a get-rich-quick scheme. It is not a guaranteed way to make thousands of dollars a month.
It is an entire system designed to give you the tools you need to get sh*t done.
You will only get out of Wealthy Affiliate what you are willing to put into it. Only want to spend a couple hours a week with a brand new website to get it off the ground? You are just setting yourself up for failure.
If you’re not willing to learn and expect failure along the way, then being your own boss is not for you.
The thing that separates successful entrepreneurs from failures is perseverance. Entrepreneurs are problem solvers by nature. If something fails, they look at themselves and fix what they did wrong. They don’t stop until they get it right.
Here is just a small list of people who “got it right” with Wealthy Affiliate.
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One thing all these stories have in common is that none of them were an overnight success. Each member had to suffer through painful defeats before coming through the other side. Here are some of my favorite success stories:
How would you like to sell your first blog for $28,000? That’s exactly what Stephanie did after building her first site after 13 months.
She created a very niche site called: and spent about 6 months of work building the site and got up to 60 articles in total. A competitor then came in and made her an offer that she couldn’t refuse. Great job, and not a bad amount of money for something she did part time with no previous experience.
What makes Christine’s story unique is that she was already successful prior to joining Wealthy Affiliate. It was for the sake of others that she joined the program. She was searching for a platform that would give her readers a shot to internet marketing without the need to rip them off.
She also found the program has a lot of seasoned internet markets, helping her to be honed in promoting her site and in writing with different styles since English is not her native language. As a result, Christene’s websites gained more traffic and generated more sales.
Dom W has created a great business using his learning from Wealthy Affiliate. He earned from zero to more than $10k per month in three years. In 2014, he founded which, in 2016 did $680,000 in sales.
Dom has already the drive and leverages the Wealthy Affiliate’s platform. Among his services is content creation. Give him keywords and subject and his team will give you a quality article that can rank with Google big time.
Wealthy Affiliate success stories are not confined to a certain age range. A teen has successfully made it through the platform as well.
At only 18 years old, Doug has made more than $6k in a single month. He shares his monthly earnings in his blog at WA and has inspired others, especially the teens who are searching for ways on how to make money online.
One of the Wealthy Affiliate success stories comes from New Zealand. Frank is making a full time living from his online business. He works at home and has succeeded in promoting WA.
His personable writing style connects him and his readers. Frank is enjoying the lifestyle that allows him to pursue his passion and spend quality time with his family.
One of the successful people in WA is Jay. He is very active and regularly does live video pieces of training for free as a way of sharing his expertise in internet marketing. I have benefitted tremendously from Jay’s training.
He has been with WA for more than 10 years so he has seen how the platform progressed and evolved to meet the needs of contemporary business people.
Jay likewise has a case study which shows how he turned a concept into a profitable website, proving that there are massive opportunities for finding money making niches.
Stu started out in Wealthy Affiliate in as a talented graphic designer with no idea of how to apply his trade online to make money. Stu loves audio an visual equipment and he has kept a very detailed personal account of his struggles and successes throughout the years.
Stu has slowly but surely grown his website over the years and he is currently making over $2000 a month doing reviews on products he loves. He currently has his sights set on $5000 per month and beyond…
One of Wealthy Affiliate success stories is that of Nathaniell’s. He started internet marketing at a young age, and when he was living in China. He joined Wealthy Affiliate in 2010. He is now living in the United States with a good income, thanks to the skills he learned from Wealthy Affiliate.
He has an easy-to-read writing style, always going into depth when explaining something yet his posts are never boring. With his affiliate earnings, he has bought a house and has traveled a lot.
Nathaniell has multiple websites. He promotes Wealthy Affiliate in one of them while others have other top affiliate programs like Amazon. The guy is always ready to learn and work hard to succeed.
Robin joined WA on a February 14th. It was significant because it is easy to remember and she loves herself enough to learn about internet marketing so she can have a portable business that can give her a good income.
She sees WA as having the best training on the internet so she upgraded fast to yearly and never looked back. She notes that the supportive WA community is worth mentioning for being there day or night for those who need help.
Wendy has a bachelor’s degree but never landed a “normal” job only to learn a practical education from WA which gives her knowledge on how to build an online business.
Wendy started a business that allows her to set her own schedule by working from home. It then gives her a lifestyle not any eight-hour a day job can provide.
And of course, I can’t write an article without putting myself on here. Being moderately successful as an affiliate marketer before joining, Wealthy Affiliate helped me round out my affiliate marketing arsenal and introduce me to a few things that I didn’t consider before.
Overall Wealthy Affiliate helped me grow my affiliate marketing not by blindly following everything as gospel, but by using it as such a single step in growing my overall knowledge base and hustling hard!
So, you’ve read all these Wealthy Affiliate testimonials and you’re excited about the opportunity of making it big. Although the way to success may be slightly different for everyone, there are some things you can learn from these success stories to increase your chances of making it big too.
One thing that is clear from assessing all these stories is commitment. These people believed in their goals and invested the time to develop their sites as well as engaged with their audience.
Yes, the Wealthy Affiliate program is a good avenue to earn passive income, but if you treat it like something to bring some extra income, it will be just that. On the other hand, if you put time and effort into the Wealthy Affiliate program, it could become your full time income and allow you to quit your main job.
Another important takeaway from these testimonials is the key to getting a lot of followers is to offer something valuable. Each blog post must be useful to your readers. Also, it is essential to learn how to write great, engaging content. And don’t overlook the importance of using an effective keyword research tool as it can help you attract more traffic.
Take advantage of the WA training to learn more about the affiliate marketing business and learn from the Wealthy Affiliate community to avoid making costly mistakes.
If you earnestly apply these takeaways, the chances are that you may break into the super affiliate category and become a Wealthy Affiliate success story.
Yes, Wealthy Affiliate works, and over one million people across the world can attest to this. If you hear about a Wealthy Affiliate scam or any other Wealthy Affiliate complaint, the chances are that the member didn’t properly learn how the platform works.
The truth is that the effort you put in determines the type of result you will get. No matter your interests or your level of experience with online marketing, you stand a chance to earn money through Wealthy Affiliate.
As a starter member, you can even opt for a free membership or premium membership. With your starter account, you can get access to some training and many other tools you need to create a website and start earning as a free member.
However, as a premium member, you get access to all the training and many other useful perks. With Wealthy Affiliate premium membership, you get paid two times higher affiliate payout, and you can also get access to coaches and website feedback.
With that said, if you’re still on the fence, I suggest you start with the free Wealthy Affiliate membership. Then when you’re convinced, you can upgrade your free starter membership to premium. If you’re still not convinced that Wealthy Affiliate works, check online for income proof from successful members.
No, Wealthy Affiliate is not a pyramid scheme. By definition, a pyramid scheme is a fraudulent type of investment where each participant pays to be part of the investment and is charged with recruiting other participants. The early participants are then paid the money contributed by the newer participants.
Wealthy Affiliate is completely different. You pay to get access to Wealthy Affiliate training materials, to learn how to choose a niche, how to generate traffic on your site, to get more information about affiliate programs where you can get paid for advertising, how to get an affiliate link, and so much more.
The fee also gives you access to a website builder and many other useful tools. Your affiliate commission doesn’t come directly from Wealthy Affiliate but from the brands, you’re advertising on your site.
The Wealthy Affiliate platform has over 1 million members – around 1.4 million – and that number is growing every day.
Check out my in-depth Wealthy Affiliate Review Or Try It Out For Free Here
We're An Affiliate - We are reluctant to allow advertising on this blog, which we believe will spoil the user experience. Instead (so that we can continue sharing our knowledge and expanding our content), we have decided to include affiliate links for the products that we use and/or rate highly.