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How to Start Selling on Walmart Marketplace

by Jessica Clark | Last Updated: October 27, 2023
How to Start Selling on Walmart Marketplace

Are you an entrepreneur who is interested in selling your products on Walmart Marketplace? If that’s the case, then you’ve come to the right place.

This quick guide provides you with everything you need to know about selling on Walmart Marketplace.

Selling on Walmart

The Walmart Marketplace is the online Walmart platform.

Since 2009 Walmart has been inviting third-party sellers onto the platform, hence the Walmart integration into the Walmart Marketplace.

In 2016, the website had accumulated just over a thousand Walmart third-party sellers and it skyrocketed’s catalogue of products to tens of millions.

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Shoppers can easily distinguish products that are fulfilled by Walmart and ones that are from a third-party marketplace seller as these details are indicated in all product listings.

The Walmart marketplace is a community of professional and legitimate sellers who offer top-quality products that are guaranteed authentic.

Thus, anyone who shops on the site can be assured that they are only buying products that are authentic and not counterfeit copies.

In terms of size, the Walmart Marketplace currently has over a hundred thousand sellers.
Based on statistics, the platform is also currently ranked the second-largest online marketplace with Amazon being the first.

Why Would You Be A Good Fit For Walmart Marketplace?

As Walmart is strongly dedicated to providing top-notch customer service and satisfaction, the company is very particular when it comes to approving third-party sellers to join their eCommerce marketplace.

walmart seller account requirements

If you possess the following criteria and have the given requirements, then you can become a Walmart seller in no time.

You are a well-experienced and profitable e-commerce seller.
You have a satisfactory background and reputation when it comes to selling top-quality products and providing stellar customer service.
Every product listing on your inventory is reasonably-priced and uses highly efficient fulfillment methods and fast shipping.
Your company is registered in The United States. In addition, your business establishment, as well as all of its associated warehouses have a US address.
You have an excellent array of products to offer to Walmart customers.

Walmart Seller Account

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If you meet the necessary Walmart requirements for third-party sellers, you can apply for a Walmart seller account to start selling on their marketplace platform.

Below is the rundown of the Walmart seller application process.

Step #1: Apply to be a Walmart Marketplace seller

The first thing you’ll need to do is go to and click the “Request to Sell” tab. You will be directed to an online application form where you will need to fill out all the necessary fields. If you have all the required information readily available, filling out the form should take you no more than 10 minutes.

Step #2: Complete the registration process

Once your application is approved, you can click the unique link sent to you via email. This link will redirect you to a tab where you can create your Partner profile.

In addition, you will be introduced to the five sections of profile creation, and these include the Creation of your Account, Partner Seller Registration, Taxes, and Shipping Information.

how to set up walmart seller account

Step #3: Complete Your Partner Profile

Once you are done creating your Partner Profile, you will be given access to the Walmart Seller Center. Here, you will be required to complete a list of tasks, and it includes completing your Partner Profile.

Your Partner Profile is public, and all Walmart customers and other third-party sellers can see it. It also includes all your necessary information as a Walmart merchant.

Step #4: Setup your items

The Item Setup section in the Walmart Marketplace is probably going to be the most time-consuming part when it comes to becoming a partner seller on the platform. Your Walmart listing has to include all the necessary details and includes descriptions, photos, attributes, videos, etc.

selling on walmart

Step #5: Test your items and orders

In the Seller Center, you can click the “Preview Item” function for each of your products so that you can verify the content, details, and prices for each.

The preview for your items will also be what the customers will see, thus, this function is very helpful as it helps sellers ensure everything is accurate.

Step #6: Launch your seller account

Launching your account is the final step when it comes to setting up your Walmart seller account.

Once you submitted a launch request for your account together with your product listings, the platform’s integration team will conduct a review of your Partner Profile. If everything is in accordance, your products will be listed live on the Walmart website within 24 hours.

This isn't a space for rookie sellers, but if you have a well-organized manufacturing and supply chain, then these opportunities can be highly lucrative.

Walmart Seller Center

walmart seller central

If you are wondering “How does Walmart Marketplace work?” then there are a few basic  things you need to know and manage within Walmart Seller Central:

Integration Method. The first thing you should do is decide on a product integration method, and how you intend to display your entire catalog on the Walmart marketplace. You can use API or Bulk Upload or a combination of both. You can also work with a solution provider if you need any extra help.

 Unpublished Items. From time to time, you’ll have issues with products being unpublished.  Using the Unpublished Items Dashboard,  you can easily determine the issues and top reasons for items being unpublished. The dashboard also offers easy ways you can fix and republish your items.

walmart seller account dashboard

Listing Quality Dashboard. You can also use the Listing Quality Dashboard to optimize your listings and figure out the most effective way to attract customers.

The Seller is also given access to creating and designing easy-to-use Shipping Templates that include flexible transit time, custom configurations, granular delivery regions across the US and reports. These allow you to optimize your shipping strategy.

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Returns Shipping Service (RSS). Within Seller Center, you can also choose Walmart’s Returns Shipping Service (RSS) for your preferred label printing option which allows you to lower your return-processing costs.

This also provides you with access to discounted rates and lets you save on customer service and return fees.

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Not to mention, the Enhanced Returns program that Walmart Marketplace offers to their sellers can let customers make returns both in stores and online. With a program as flexible as this, you can increase customer satisfaction as well as lower your costs.

Common Questions on Walmart Seller Center

How to become a Walmart seller?

To become a Walmart seller, you need to be a well-reputable seller of authentic and good-quality products and must have a proven track record of providing excellent customer service.

How to get a product into Walmart?

If your application is approved as a Walmart third-party seller, you will have to sign-up on the Seller Center so you can start integrating your items into the website.

Once your items are reviewed and approved by the integration team, your Walmart items will be listed live and will be visible to customers within 24 hours.

How do I promote my items to Walmart customers?

You can add, manage, and promote your items through the Seller Center app using Walmart Connect to create sponsored listings that are promoted to customers.

walmart connect

Are there minimums or maximums when it comes to SKUs?

Walmart Marketplace does not impose a minimum or maximum SKU requirement on all sellers.

How do I check or process my orders from Walmart customers?

You will receive notifications on customer orders on the Seller Center app. You may also set up to receive notifications via email on the app.

What about shipping?

You can choose the carrier, shipping price, and shipping method upon setting up your Partner Profile on the Seller Center page. Walmart currently offers five methods for shipping.

What other Walmart Seller Tools Might I need?

There are literally hundreds if not thousands of different tools, services, and software that claim to give you an advantage and help your online Walmart seller business flourish or get to that elusive next level!

See my list of best Walmart seller tools with a brief overview of how they may help you. If you're new to selling online in general, a lot of these will be very helpful solely to make sure you have all bases covered while in planning or starting out.

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Selling On Amazon vs Walmart

#1. Amazon is less strict about who they allow selling on their website than Walmart, which means Walmart is typically for sellers with some eCommerce experience and they’ll ask you to prove this. The Walmart marketplace is therefore less competitive than Amazon FBA.

#2. Amazon sellers have to pay a monthly subscription fee of $39.99 per month (Pro Account),  while Walmart Sellers pay according to sales which is therefore more cost-effective for sellers with low volume. However, if you’re making large volume sales, then the $39.99 is a sweet deal!

#3. Another difference between them is that Amazon allows sellers to ship their products directly to their FBA warehouses located in other countries. Meanwhile, Walmart (currently) only allows the shipping of products to their fulfillment centers found in the US.

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#4. Amazon has 9.7 million third-party sellers while Walmart Marketplace only has over 100,000 third-party sellers which mean there’s lesser competition and more chance of exposure at Walmart.

Walmart Seller Central Fees

Unlike Amazon where sellers have to pay a monthly fee of $39.99 per month (Pro Account), Walmart does not impose a Walmart monthly membership fee on its Seller Central third-party sellers.

But, it does have a Walmart Referral Fee (based on the product category). Depending on what you’re selling this can be between 3-20% of your sale price of an item that is sold.

Walmart Seller Courses

If you are scouring the internet for a great “how to sell on Walmart course”, then you should check out our Jungle Scout Course Review.

This online course provides a comprehensive and well-structured guide on how you can become a Walmart seller on how to become a successful seller.

The Jungle Scout Course also offers a Walmart automation course which can help sellers reach more customers and increase their sales. If you are a Walmart pro seller, this course will help you stay on top of your game.

Walmart Pros and Cons

Is Walmart marketplace worth it? To help answer this question we’ve created a list of Pros and Cons.

What I Liked...

No monthly seller membership.
Unlike Amazon Seller Central, Walmart Seller Center does not require a monthly membership fee for its partner sellers. Walmart only requires a referral fee for each item sold which ranges from 3 percent to 20 percent depending on the product category.

No SKU minimums and maximums.
Because Walmart does not limit third-party sellers in terms of SKUs, sellers can showcase their entire product catalogue on the marketplace without any limit as long as the items are not on the prohibited items list.
Lesser competition against other third-party sellers.
Walmart Marketplace currently only has over a hundred thousand sellers while Amazon has over half a million. Because of the less saturated community, third-party sellers on Walmart Marketplace get better exposure for their items.
Sellers can create their return policy.
The Walmart return policy for third-party sellers is completely customizable. Sellers can create their own return policy, thus, giving them better control.
What I Didn't Like...
Strict pricing requirements.
Because Walmart is firm in its goal to provide exceptional customer service by offering reasonably-priced products, the platform is very strict when it comes to its pricing requirements.
Walmart Marketplace’s Fulfillment Service is limited to eligible sellers.
Only the eligible sellers can enjoy the benefits of the Walmart Fulfillment Service. This service takes care of the 2-day shipping, customer support, and item returns on the seller’s behalf. However, sellers who are not deemed eligible for the Fulfillment Service by Walmart will have to take care of the entire shipping fulfillment by themselves.
The Walmart shipping policy template includes the necessary details about its fulfillment service.
Data Limitations
Unlike Amazon, isn’t very helpful to sellers when it comes to providing data on the best sellers rank. To get around this some software as a service (SAAS) providers are beginning to fill the whole. You can now use software like WallySmarter to identify Walmart's top selling items and hottest products. Tools like this also help with keyword and product research to help you sell and promote winning products.
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How To Sell On Walmart - Final Thoughts

Being a third-party seller at Walmart allows you to leverage the site’s massive customer base and expand your income streams and the company is predicting strong positive growth over the coming few years.

Amazon is still the dominant platform, but for some sellers, the idea of selling in a less cutthroat environment is becoming more appealing!

Now that you know how to sell on Walmart, you can move onto signing up to become a Walmart 3rd Party Seller. If you comply with the eligibility requirements and you know what to sell on Walmart and what not to, then you’ll be off to a good start.


Can anyone sell on Walmart?

No, individuals can not set up an account, at a minimum, you must be business registered in the United States. This does not automatically qualify you for approval by Walmart. They still have a strict set of criteria and analyze your product range, business operations, and even business reputation before approving you t sell on the Walmart Marketplace.

How many sellers on Walmart marketplace?

At the time of writing this article, there are just over 100,000 approved third-party sellers. This pales in comparison to Amazon FBA's 9.7+ million sellers but you would have to think that there is some serious opportunity with less competition.

Are Walmart third party sellers legit?

Walmart third party sellers are legit, they are all companies with Walmart verified products, financials, services, and operations as well as having a background check into their reputations.

Selling on Walmart vs Amazon

In regards to the fulfillment services offered by Amazon vs Walmart, there are many differences between the two.

  • Third-Party Seller pool size
  • Account criteria and qualification
  • Strictness of acceptable products
  • Global reach
  • Account costs
  • Competition

We go over this in more detail and a few of the key differences in this article.

Is it hard to get approved by Walmart marketplace?

If you have quality, unique well-selling products AND have a proven track record selling these products then as long as you have a registered business in the US it is simply an application and a process. 

As long as you are organized, and can provide the documentation, your product catalog, and process explanations to meet  Walmart Marketplace standard criteria then it should be relatively straightforward.


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